Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
0808 808 7777
Carers UK
info@carersuk.orgSocial care and support guide
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.
NHS: Social care and support guideThe Princess Royal Trust For Carers In Hampshire
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire is part of a network of 144 Carer Centres in the UK. The network is coordinated by The Carers Trust. The Princess Royal Trust for Carers was founded by Princess Anne in Glasgow in 1991.
www.carercentre.comCarers Together
Carers are people who give their time, unpaid, to support relatives, friends or neighbours. This may be because they are old and frail, have a disability or a long or short term health condition. Carers Together is a carer led charity that offers support for unpaid carers living anywhere in Hampshire including Southampton and Portsmouth.
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 29 January 2025