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Who is considered a carer?

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid. When we refer to carers in this document, this is inclusive of both adult and young carers.

Many carers don’t see themselves as carers and it takes them an average of two years to acknowledge their role as a carer.

It can be difficult for carers to see their caring role as separate from the relationship they have with the person for whom they care, whether that relationship is as a parent, child, sibling, partner, or a friend.

It’s likely that every one of us will have caring responsibilities at some time in our lives with the challenges faced by carers taking many forms. Many carers juggle their caring responsibilities with work, study and other family commitments. Some, in particular younger carers, are not known to be carers. They don’t tell relatives, friends or health and care professionals about their responsibilities because of a fear of separation, guilt, pride or other reasons.

This means that the sort of roles and responsibilities that carers have to provide varies widely. They can range from help with everyday tasks such as getting out of bed and personal care such as bathing, to emotional support such as helping someone cope with the symptoms of a mental illness.

Carer’s registration

It is important that we know if you are a carer so that we can make sure you receive information, services and the help that is available. If you are a carer, please complete our register a carer form.

Carers Together

Are you, or is someone you know, providing much needed care for a loved one? There is free, confidential and personalised support available for you to make things easier.

Carers Together is a carer led charity that offers support for unpaid carers living anywhere in Hampshire including Southampton and Portsmouth.

01794 519495

About Carers Together

Carers Together has been working with and for unpaid carers in Hampshire for 20 years. It is a carer led charity which means that most of its trustees and staff have experience of being carers and we regularly consult carers about their needs and concerns.

Carers Together provides a wide range of personal services, such as information and advice, advocacy, direct payments information and advice, groups, training, planning for emergencies and support planning.

Benefits advice, help filling in forms and making appeals

Carers Together is an alternative office for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) which means the charity provides a welfare and benefits advice service, ensuring forms can be completed as quickly and accurately as possible. Documents can be verified by Carers Together staff and people can receive their maximum benefit entitlement as quickly as possible.

The service identifies and helps older people and carers who may have been overlooked in the past or may have otherwise been reluctant to claim benefits.

Benefits you may want to ask about

Carers allowance, attendance allowance, personal independence payment, disability living allowance, pensions credit, employment and support allowance, universal credit, income support, council tax benefit, tax credits and bereavements benefit.

To contact us for help with benefits, please phone 01794 519495 or email

Carer’s pack

Includes information from a number of sources gathered together in one pack to help you, find your way through the mass of paperwork and information available to you.

Carer’s assessment

Anyone who may need support in their caring role has a right to a carer’s assessment. This means if you are a carer you can have a carer’s assessment regardless of the amount or type of care you provide, your financial circumstances or your level of need for support.

You can have an assessment whether or not the person you care for has had an assessment of their needs. Even if they are not eligible for support you can still have an assessment.

If you and the person you care for agree, a joint assessment of both your needs can be undertaken at the same time.


Carer support and dementia advice service

The Hampshire carer support and dementia advice service is provided by Andover Mind.


Page published: 29 January 2025
Last updated: 29 January 2025