Statement of Purpose

CQC Registry

  •   Certificate Number: CRT1-9624802297
  •   Provider ID: 1-199749684

The Watership Down Health practices are located within Kingsclere, Overton & Oakley in Hampshire.

The name and address of the registered provider is:

Watership Down Health
Overton Surgery (Location ID: 1-547895396)
Station Road
RG25 3DU

Telephone: 0333 034 1033

Oakley Surgery
Sainfoin Lane
RG23 7HZ

Telephone: 0333 034 1033

The Health Centre (Location ID: 1-547895396)
North Street
RG20 5QX

Telephone: 0333 034 1033



National Practice Code: J82639

 Primary Care Network (PCN)

Rural West PCN


  •  Dr Richard Christian Chilcott (Registered Manager)
  • Dr Judith Lindsay
  • Dr Nicola Decker
  • Dr Sarah Still
  • Dr Kirsty Anne Summerfield (Pollard)
  • Dr Kate Hughes

Practice Business Manager (PBM)

Susannah Altmeyer- Ennis

Practice Manager (DPBM)

Sarah Arnold

Assistant Practice Manager

Emily Clifton

Assistant Practice Manager

Carol Gallichan

Watership Down Health (WDH) can confirm they are registered with CQC to provide:

  • The Partnership is registered in respect of Regulated Activity: Diagnostic and screening procedures
  • The Partnership is registered in respect of Regulated Activity: Family planning
  • The Partnership is registered in respect of Regulated Activity: Maternity and midwifery services
  • The Partnership is registered in respect of Regulated Activity: Surgical procedures
  • The Partnership is registered in respect of Regulated Activity: Treatment of disease, disorder, or injury

Our Core Values are:

  •  Respect: Our patients and our colleagues
  • Encourage: Our patients to take responsibility for their own health
  • Support: Our patients and colleagues to achieve the best health outcomes possible

Watership Down Health’s Aims & Objectives

We will ensure all our patients are kept Safe, provide a Caring ethos and as a practice we are Responsive, Effective and Well-led.

  • We aim to ensure high quality, safe and effective services, and environment.
  • To provide monitored, audited and continually improving healthcare services.
  • To provide healthcare which is available to a whole population and create a partnership between patient and health professional which ensures mutual respect, holistic care and continuous learning and training.
  • The provision of accessible healthcare which is proactive to healthcare changes, efficiency and innovation and development.
  • To provide Clinical Governance and Evidence Based Practice.
  • To provide Clinical and Non-clinical risk management.
  • To ensure vigilance for unforeseen emergencies.
  • To optimise performance against key targets and core standards.
  • To meet key targets.
  • To deliver excellent General Medical Services offered to our patients.
  • To offer excellent communication between the surgery and our patients.
  • To recruit, retain and develop a highly motivated and appropriately skilled workforce.
  • To enhance performance of the workforce.
  • To guide the employees in accordance with transparency, equity, equality and human rights, diversity and inclusion, engagement, and understanding challenges and the needs of people and our communities in order to meet these.
  • To ensure effective Management and Governance systems.
  • To ensure robust Business Processes.
  • To ensure a robust Information Technology Strategy to support the business of Watership Down Health.
  • We offer contact via Silicon Practice (Website), Ask Dr. Practice, Reception a question, text and email messaging (AccuRx) and campaigns through AccuRx and Self-Book.

Services are described under Registered Activity and Service Type

The Regulated Activities under CQC are:

  • To provide General Medical Services to all our registered patients.
  • Urgent appointments are available daily and for immediately necessary conditions if required.
  • NHS prescriptions and medications (electronic facility is available) that are relevant, or a private prescription can be issued by the practice.
  • Immunisations – we operate the national Child Health Surveillance programme.
  • Foreign Travel and Immunisation we offer this service to our patients.
  • Cardiovascular Health checks Clinical staff are available to provide general health checks encompassing things such as weight, cholesterol levels, blood tests etc. to help patients who wish to achieve a healthier lifestyle or identify any potential health issues early.
  • Medicals and Reports Our GPs can carry out medical reports and reviews and we use Medi2data to supplement the work we can provide.
  • Respiratory Clinic the practice has facilities for spirometry and a dedicated clinic each week for respiratory reviews (pre covid).
  • COPD – care planning is provided for all patients with COPD. Patients are invited to attend annually for their review.
  • Asthma Clinic we provide fully trained nursing staff to carry out asthma reviews for our patients.
  • Diabetic Clinic – the practice provides ongoing care for our diabetic patients – our clinics are run by our trained nurses; care plans are provided. Diabetes is supervised by several of our GP Partners.
  • Pre-Diabetes – patients that have a history of pre-diabetes, or have a recent diagnosis are invited to see a diabetic nurse for a review. Pre-diabetes is supervised by a GP Partner.
  • Family planning service WDH family planning support and guidance is run by our Nursing Team and supervised by a GP Partner. We fit and replace contraception implants and coils.
  • Seasonal Flu Vaccination At the practice we offer ‘at risk’ groups the flu vaccine at a certain time each year to protect against the flu virus in-line with the national Influenza Programmes.
  • Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV) Vaccination – To the relevant cohort
  • Named Accountable GP – all patients are allocated and provided the name of their Usual GP, this is provided either face to face or in writing.
  • Shingles Vaccination – the practice offers patients within the current national cohort shingle vaccinations.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccination – we offer patients 65 yrs and over or ‘at risk’ a pneumococcal vaccination.
  • Covid Vaccination support the booking and management of patients and will offer vaccinations to Nursing Home and House bound patients. We may host central clinician clinics when we can.
  • Phlebotomy a phlebotomy service is available, and appointments are offered daily (Monday to Friday).
  • Midwifery The Community Midwife holds a clinic once a week (both sites) at WDH for our patients. They supervise antenatal care, undertake deliveries in Hospital and at home where appropriate.
  • Minor Surgery We offer a number of minor operations and these are performed by Dr Chilcott
  • Joint injections are also offered by a number of our clinicians.
  • ECG testing the practice offers ECG testing.
  • Blood pressure we are pleased to be able offer not only blood pressure testing but also a 24-hour monitoring service. A self-service BP pod is available within our waiting rooms at all sites.
  • Cervical screening – we operate the call and recall system in-line with the National Cervical Screening programme. Our nurses are qualified to carry out cervical smears and included on the Smear Takers register.
  • Patients with Learning Disabilities – we have a dedicated GP who looks after the LD register/patients & offer all our patients an annual health check.
  • Tissue Viability Clinic – the practice offers and manages patients with leg ulcers.
  • Weight Management – we can provide weight management and onward referral / signposting to our weight loss programmes.
  • To provide a learning environment suitable for the professional enhancement of medical staff allied professional and specialist registrars in specialist training.
  • We work with the Diabetic Eye Screening Service colleagues to ensure data is up to date (monthly upload).
  • Our patients are also part of the National Breast Screening Programme.
  • Our patients participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme.
  • We have regular multi-disciplinary meetings that are attended by many Healthcare clinicians and colleagues.
  • Talking Therapies are available, and patients are referred to iTalk.
  • Carers – we actively invite carers to let us know they are an unpaid carer, seasonal influenza vaccination is offered.
  • We work closely with the PCN Proactive Care Nurse who looks after patients who may need a hospital admission (admission avoidance), advance care planning, falls or mobility problems or who are unable to attend the practice because of their frailty.
  • Veterans – we are an ‘Armed Forces Veteran Accredited Friendly practice’ where we encourage veterans to let us know they served in the armed forces as part of the Registration process.
  • WDH have a Patient Participation Group (PPG). We have a group to manage all patient donations called Friends of Watership Down Health (FOWDH).
  • We look after patient’s resident in a Care Homes in the local area and for the private Thornford Park, adults, male with mental illness/complex needs.
  • If a patient is vulnerable or has a long-term condition and at risk of being admitted to Hospital, a Care Plan is created for us and other Health Professionals to use.
  • We have a Health and Well-being coach who helps, and support patients make lifestyle changes
  • We have a Social Prescriber/Community Connector Team that helps and support unpaid carers who may have anxiety or mild mental health issues, provide low level help for patients with their physical health needs and social isolation.
  • We provide access to Musculo-Skeletal First Contact Practitioners though Circle and Hampshire/Surrey services.
  • We have a range of Care Coordinators.
  • Kooth – Access to suppport for young people’s Mental Health
  • No Wrong Door – Mental Health Team including a RMN who works with our Duty Team
  • Work closely with the PCN Pharmacy Team who process the medicine reconciliations from recent admission discharges and clinic letters, who through their CPPE training, will carry out structured medication reviews and action any medication related safety reviews.