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New winter lung health guide to support patients from asthma and lung UK

For people living with a lung condition, the risk of ending up in A&E doubles in the winter. This is because things like cold weather, winter viruses, damp and mould can make symptoms worse. This means winter can be a scary and dangerous time for people with lung conditions.

To support everyone with a lung condition, Asthma + Lung UK have created a free winter guide to help people protect themselves and stay well this winter. To get the guide, patients just need to answer a short survey about their lung condition, symptoms and how winter affects them. They will then receive a series of emails with free, personalised health advice from Asthma + Lung UK’s in-house GP, Dr Andy Whittamore.

The guide will help people to understand what might set off their symptoms during the winter and provide personalised tips to reduce their risk of becoming seriously unwell.

Share our guide today to help people look after their lung health over the coming months and enjoy the winter season.

Get the Asthma & Lung UK winter lung health guide today and don’t forget the Asthma & Lung UK Helpline are always on hand to support people to stay well over the winter too.