A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things throughout their lifetime, affects the way a person understands information and how they can communicate. This means they can have difficulty:
- Understanding new or complex information
- Learning new skills
- Coping independently
Around 1.5 million people in the UK have a learning disability. It is thought up to 350,000 people have a severe learning disability. This figure is increasing.
Welcome to Watership Down Health
The practice has been accredited being a ‘Learning Disability Friendly’ practice.
The page is to support our patients with a learning disability, and we hope this helps your journey when you need GP advice or help.

Dr Caroline Sargeant is our lead GP for learning disabilities.

Our care co-ordinator is Nicola Baker. Nicola is available should you need any advice about booking an appointment, timings of appointments and any information about the process or practice that she can assist you with in accessing your medical care from the Practice.
If you need to attend the practice to see a doctor or nurse here are some pictures of all three practices so you can familiarise with the environment.
Overton Surgery (RG25 3DU)
Welcome to Overton Surgery.

This is the GP practice

This is the entrance to the surgery

This is reception where you book in

This is the consulting/treatment room
Kingsclere Health Centre (RG20 5QX)
Welcome to Kingsclere Health Centre.

This is the entrance to the surgery

This is where you inform the receptionist you have arrived

This is where you will sit and wait and the doctor will escort you to their room

This is where you will be seen by the doctor or nurse
Oakley Surgery (RG23 7HZ)
Welcome to Oakley Surgery

This is the entrance to the surgery

This is the reception and waiting room

This is the consulting/treatment room
Getting help and support
- Visit the NHS Website – NHS: learning disabilities
- Please call us on 0333 034 1033
- Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains or shortness of breath are an emergency.
- Call 111 when we are closed.
- You can email us at hiowicb-hsi.watershipdownhealth@nhs.net.
All three of our surgeries have access for disabled patients, car parking and toilets. Hearing loops are available. Translation service is also available.
How do I make an appointment?
You will need to call the practice or ask someone to help you.
Tell the receptionist as much as possible about your problem. The receptionist will pass this information onto a doctor.
If you need urgent care, you will be added to the duty doctor’s urgent list.
You may have a phone call or appointment on the same day. Please try to call us early in the day.
If you have an ongoing medical problem that does not need to be seen on the same day, you will be given a routine appointment with your usual doctor.
Your doctor may phone you, or a receptionist may phone you to arrange an appointment.
If you have been invited for a review clinic appointment the receptionist can book this appointment for you.
We have a team of clinical staff working with the doctors at Watership Down Health.
- Clinical pharmacists work with a prescribing team to help with managing your medication.
- Advanced nurse practitioners are very experienced nurses who have extra clinical training and qualifications.
- Musculoskeletal practitioner (MSK) will help with problems such as joints, bones and muscle problems.
- Mental health practitioner will help with your mental health. There is a same day telephone service for urgent mental health problems.
- Practice nurses will perform a range of tasks including changing dressings, giving immunisations, etc. They also provide advice on diabetes, asthma and heart disease.
- Healthcare assistants carry out blood tests, blood pressure monitoring, heart tracings and other services.
- Social prescribers will offer short-term practical and emotional support to help people improve their wellbeing and quality of life and live independently in their community.
Learning disability and autism
The NHS programme is called transforming care and is all about making health and care services better so that more people with a learning disability, autism or both can live in the community, with the right support and close to home.
This easy read newsletter tells you what the NHS are doing to make the NHS better for people with a learning disability, autism or both.
Get your free flu vaccination
The practice runs this yearly campaign from late September until February/March.
It is important to have your flu vaccination, please see the easy read guide (PDF), which will explain more.
Having a blood test
If your doctor or nurse recommends you have a blood test, please read the easy read guide.
Having your blood pressure taken
If you doctor or nurse asks to take your blood pressure (BP), please read with guide.
- Having your blood pressure taken (PDF)
Your annual health check
- NHS health check information easy read guide (PDF)
Easy read guides and leaflets
- Strep A information (PDF)
- Questions to ask when you go to the doctors or hospital (PDF)
- Don’t miss out – Get Better Healthcare Now (PDF)
- All about asthma (PDF)
- Breast care for women (PDF)
- Cervical screening for women (PDF)
- How to check your testicles for me (PDF)
- Information and help about constipation (PDF)
- Helpful guide about diabetes and what you need to do (PDF)
- Diabetes and looking after your eyes (PDF)
- Eat well and help for children with a learning disability (PDF)
Information for those with a learning disability
Basingstoke Mencap
Provide groups and clubs for people. Part of this charity is the Greenfingers Project which is a garden project in South Ham, Basingstoke. To attend and get training you need to be fully funded by Hampshire County Council, adult services.
www.basingstokemencap.org.ukSpeak Easy Advocacy
Providing you with a voice and to be heard. Do you need support in being listened to? Know your rights. There are groups and 1 to 1 support available.
www.speakeasyadvocacy.org.ukBasingstoke Disability Forum
Run groups and on the website have a fantastic sign posting service to other organisations.
www.bddf.org.ukAutism Hampshire
Autism Hampshire offer a range of professional services that meet the needs of individuals, families and professional bodies.
Further information and guidance
Active Life Centre
Gymnastics and movement session currently £7 a session. Thursday from 10:30am to 12:30pm.
www.basingstokegym.co.ukDisability challengers
They run a youth play schemes for 8 to 12 years in the Basingstoke area.
www.disability-challengers.orgBasingstoke Bluefins
Disability swimming sharks squad provides children and young adults between 8 and18 years the opportunity to swim. Have lessons, join galas. Strong links with Dove House, Saxon Wood, Limington House and Maple Ridge Schools.
www.bbfsc.orgParity for disability
A learning based day service with trained staff for people aged 18+ suitable for people with profound and multiple disabilities- would need a referral to Adult Services to attend as they would possibly fund. Based in Cove, Farnborough. Also run Easter and Summer programmes in Fleet.
www.parityfordisability.org.ukAudley’s Resource Service
For adults over 18 years with a learning disability or physical disability based in Basingstoke.
Run by Hampshire County Council. They provide daytime activities and outings. This is a funded placement by adult services. Can contact them directly to find out more.
01256 326404Love 4 Life
Is a friendship and dating network for people with learning disabilities and autism. This is run by Fitzroy. Membership fee applies.