This annual statement will be generated each year. It summarizes the following:
- Any infections transmission incidents and action taken (these will be reported in accordance with our Significant Event Policy)
- The annual infection prevention and control audit(s) and action(s) undertaken
- Control risk assessments undertaken
- Details of staff training (both part of induction and annual training) with regards to Infection prevention and control
- Details of infection control advice to patients
- Any review and update of policies, procedures, and guidelines
Covid-19 pandemic
We are currently following the national guidelines on wearing personal protection equipment i.e. a face covering when seeing patients face to face if the patient presents with any respiratory symptoms.
Watership Down Health leads for infection prevention and control are:
1 GP partner, 1 nurse manager, 2 practice nurses and 1 practice business manager and 1 practice manager.
The team is kept up to date with infection prevention and control and share necessary information with staff and patients throughout the year.
Significant events relating to infection prevention and control
In the past year (January to December 2024) there have been no reported significant events raised that related to infection prevention and/or control.
All audits are ongoing and completed at regular intervals.
All sites completed a detailed and specific decontamination audit and action plan.
Staff training
All staff complete an annual infection prevention and control training, either face to face training or via e-learning.
The infection prevention and control (IPC) lead nurses attends six monthly links meeting with the IPC lead at the ICB and cascades the information to all relevant staff at regular intervals.
Risk assessments
Regular risk assessments are undertaken to minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and staff. Risk assessments related to infection control has been completed in the past year and appropriate actions have been taken.
Cleaning specification, frequencies and cleanliness of equipment
It is the responsibility of each clinician to clean treatment areas/GP rooms and equipment between patients. This is more so important since the inception of Covid-19 pandemic.
There are ‘hot desking’ posters throughout the practices sharing good practice about infection control measures during the pandemic.
Disposable modesty curtains are used in all clinical rooms and are changed on a rolling regular basis.
All patient/clinical areas have laid vinyl floor which is easy wipeable for any spillages etc.
All furniture in patient’s areas is made of easily cleanable substance and again wipeable in case of any spillages or bloodily fluid.
Infection prevention control advice to patients
We have in place at all three sites alcohol hand gel/sanitiser dispensers within the waiting rooms, when entering and leaving the building and throughout for patients to use.
There have been no reported cases of MRSA acquired in the practice.
There are leaflets available on the NHS website for any relevant diseases including:
- Measles and MMR
- Pneumococcal vaccinations / Chicken pox & shingles vaccinations
- Whooping cough and pregnancy
- Meningitis & Septicaemia vaccinations / Sepsis
- MRSA / Hepatitis B
- The importance of immunisations (e.g. in childhood and in preparation for overseas travel)
- Seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccinations
- RSV – respiratory syncytial virus
Policies, procedures and guidelines
The practice has a comprehensive infection prevention and control policy which is reviewed every six months and in line with national and local guidance changes.