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What is flu? Isn’t it just a heavy cold?

Flu occurs every year, usually in the winter, which is why it’s sometimes called seasonal flu. It is a highly infectious disease with symptoms that come on very quickly. Colds are much less serious and usually start gradually with a stuffy or runny nose and a sore throat. A bad bout of flu can be much worse than a heavy cold.

The most common symptoms of flu are fever, chills, headache, aches and pains in the joints and muscles, and extreme tiredness. Healthy individuals usually recover within two to seven days, but for some the disease can lead to hospitalisation, permanent disability or even death.  Flu can affect anyone but if you have a long-term health condition the effects of flu can make it worse even if the condition is well managed and you normally feel well. People of any age should have the free flu vaccine if you have a long term condition, such as:

  • A heart problem
  • A chest complaint or breathing difficulties, including bronchitis, emphysema or severe asthma
  • A kidney disease
  • Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication or cancer treatment)
  • Liver disease
  • Had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
  • Diabetes
  • A neurological condition, eg multiple sclerosis (MS), cerebral palsy or learning disability
  • A problem with your spleen, eg sickle cell disease, or you have had your spleen removed
  • Are seriously overweight (BMI of 40 and above)

Who else should consider having a flu vaccination?

  • Aged 65 years or over
  • Anyone “shielding” in relation to Covid-19 (and their household contacts, although household contacts will be done later in the season as we need to ensure those most at risk are vaccinated first)
  • Living in a residential or nursing home
  • The main carer of an older or disabled person
  • A household contact of an immunocompromised person
  • A frontline health or social care worker
  • Pregnant
  • Children who were 2 or 3 years old on 31/08/2020. (Primary school age children will be vaccinated at school). GP surgeries will vaccinate 2-17 year olds in an “at risk” category.  Children of school year 7 in secondary school (those aged 11 on 31/08/2020)

We strongly recommend that even if you were vaccinated last year, you should be vaccinated again this year. In addition protection from the flu vaccine may only last about six months so you should have the flu vaccine each flu season.

The vaccine programme includes the 50 to 64 year old age group, subject to vaccine supply.

Flu vaccination is safe and effective. It’s offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

The NHS website provides information about who can get it, how to book and where to get the vaccine.

Find out about flu vaccination for adults

Find out about flu vaccination for children

Contact details

Please help us to organise the campaign by letting us know your mobile number and email address so that we can inform you quickly of any changes. We are being asked by NHS England to record ethnicity, so if you have not told us before, please let us know your ethnicity too.


COVID-19 vaccination is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against COVID-19.

The NHS website provides information about the vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects.

Find out about COVID-19 vaccination

Travel vaccine information

You can find out more about travel vaccinations in this video:

Related information

NHS vaccinations and when to have them

Page published: 4 July 2023
Last updated: 29 January 2025