Telephone System Enhancements – August 2023

Watership Down Health will use a new, enhanced telephone system from 24th August 2023.

What is going to be different?

1. New main toll-free Telephone Number from 24th August – 0333 034 1033, which provides an enhanced telephone service (please see below). You will still be able to telephone the two existing telephone numbers for Kingsclere and Overton, which will transfer to the new telephone number.

2. You won’t need to wait too long as there is an automated call back option for the busy times.

3. People who are vulnerable or receiving end of life care will be flagged so that their calls are prioritised in any call queue.

4. We will be able to maintain calls being answered over the lunchtime period, whilst enabling staggered lunch breaks for the reception team.

5. When a member of staff calls a patient from any Watership Down Health telephone number, the number appearing will be 0333 034 1033. We ask that patients add this to their safe call List of telephone numbers so that as and when a member of staff calls a patient that they know it is the medical centre calling.

The main message will now say (please note that this may need to be amended overtime):

‘Welcome to Watership Down Health, please note all calls are recorded for training purposes. If you have a life-threatening emergency, please hang up and dial 999 now. Please visit our interactive website for online assistance. There is a Heathier Together App for children, which parents can download for free. Our trained medical receptionists are doing their best to manage all patient concerns so please respect and be kind to them when they ask you about why you are calling today so that they can signpost you to the most appropriate clinician. We have recently updated our telephone system, please listen carefully to the following options:

  • Option 1 Urgent/Same Day appointments
  • Option 2 Non-urgent Appointments and Cancellations
  • Option 3 Prescriptions
  • Option 4 Admin and referral queries
  • Option 5 Test results after 11:00.
  • Option 6 Finance

These options will go to the appropriate person/voice recording feature.

These enhancements will improve access and experience.

Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we implement the improved system. We will be offering new business cards with the new telephone number on, which will shortly be available from all three of our practice sites.