Friends Of The Surgeries
Friends of Oakley and Overton Surgeries (Formerly known as Friends of Overton Surgery)
Registered Charity No. 1099657 of The Surgery, Station Road, Overton, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG25 3DU
Telephone: 01256 770212
The charity’s objective is to use donated funds to relieve suffering by the purchase and maintenance of medical and other equipment, and the provision of services for the general good of patients of the Oakley and Overton Surgeries, Hampshire, not readily provided by the Health Authority or by other statutory funds.
The Trustees, who can be contacted via the surgeries are:
- Ken Usher, Honorary Chairman and Patient, Oakley
- Paul Trotman, Honorary Treasurer and Patient, Overton
- Sue Carter, Honorary Secretary and Patient, Overton
This is a local charity and the funds come from gifts made to the practice, bequests, gifts in memory of relatives or friends and gifts of thanks from patients.
Donations may be made payable to Friends of Oakley and Overton Surgeries and sent to either surgery, marked for the attention of the treasurer.